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Pomegranate Trees

Q.Can I Prune A Wonderful Pomegranate Tree Down To Dwarf Size?

Zone 84117 | Anonymous added on April 23, 2021 | Answered

I live in Salt Lake City, Utah, a cold climate. Last September I was given a Wonderful Pomegranate tree. The information said it will grow to about 10 feet in height. I put it in a pot and kept it warm and well lighted all winter. I have it out now and it is growing well and has leaves all over it. It is 3-4 feet tall. I want to keep it in the pot so that I can put it back in my garage next winter and put lights on it again. I do not want it to grow the full 10 feet but prefer 6 feet. Is there anyway to prune it so it doesn’t grow to the full 10 feet height and also produces fruit?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 24, 2021

Dwarf pomegranates might do better in containers, but here's an article about pruning and one about how to grow them in a pot. Hope this helps:

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