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Q.planting vegetables with roses

Zone west blocton,alabama 35184 | Anonymous added on April 25, 2016 | Answered

Can I plant tomato and pepper plants in flower bed with my roses? I have a raised flower bed and have a lot of small flowers there with several rose bushes. would like to know if I can plant pepper and tomato plants with them.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 26, 2016

I have tomato plants planted right next to my wildflowers in one flower bed. If you spray your rosebushes with any systemics, it would be best not to plant the tomato or pepper plants close by. It would be better to keep the edibles at one end and the roses at the other. Even granular systemic treatments for roses and flowers would not be good to have in the same soils with your edible plants. That is why I have my tomatoes planted by the wildflowers as I do not use anything on those but water and occasional fertilizer.

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