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Sweetspire Shrubs

Q.Can I plant Sweetspire in July

Zone Madisonville, LA | Anonymous added on July 16, 2016 | Answered

After years of searching for the right shrub for a particularly difficult area in my yard, it appears Itea is it! I am not a great gardener and would appreciate any info you could provide. I know July in S.E. Louisiana is not the ideal time to plant anything. I’ve been very ill this past year and my yard has fallen to pieces! Can I plant Itea Sweetspire this time of year (July)? Thank you :)!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 17, 2016

Here is a link with growing information.
You are correct that planting in July can be difficult but not impossible.
Daily water for the first few weeks and then slightly less as time goes on. If temperatures are above 85 degrees you may need to water twice a day.

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