Q.Can I plant iceland poppies in the winter
Hi, can I plant iceland poppies in July (South Africa – US equivalent is January). Our winters are very mild, very rarely going below 46.6 F at night. Average daily temperature is 62 – 68 F. The plants will germinate and grow on an upstairs patio that gets full sun. I can buy seedlings at my local nursery, but the area I want to cover is large and I’ll need at least 80 plants (too expensive).
Same question and weather conditions for sweet peas. I’ve already sown most of mine in fall and they’re growing nicely. I’ve got beautiful seeds coming from the US 1 July (1 Jan for you) and I’d like to plant a few of those as well. Will it work? Thank you, Madeleine

Yes, your timing should be fine for all the plants and seeds you have.