Yes you can. If you do I recommend a 14 inch diameter pot or larger. Be sure the pot has drainage holes in the bottom. When you water the rose, if the pot has a saucer at the bottom, do not let the water stand in the saucer for more than 45 minutes to an hour. Letting the water stand in the saucer will cause root rot problems that will kill the rosebush. Add some pearlite to the soils you place in the pot to help keep the soils loose for the root system. One last thing, Angel Face is a beautiful rose with a fragrance that truly is heaven sent. However she is a Black Spot fungus magnet. Black spot fungus shows itself with black spots on the leaves/foliage. Keep her sprayed with a fungicide such as Green Cure, Honor Guard or Immunox, every couple of weeks and she should do fine. If it is wet out for a long period of time, get her sprayed with the fungicide as soon as the weather clears up.