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Apple Trees

Q.Can I Plant 5 Gallon Apple Trees Now? (It’s February 13th)

Zone randolph nj | marty2356 added on February 13, 2022 | Answered

Hello, yesterday, I went to Home Depot yo get a couple of things and I saw they had fruit trees! I’ve always wanted to grow apple trees so I got a couple. Is it okay to plant them now ( it’s mid February right now) or should I wait until April? I live in northern New Jersey. If I should wait until April, I have a garage where I can store them. Do I need to water them if they get too dry? I know they are dormant right now but I just want to make sure.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 14, 2022

It really depends on the apple cultivar that you chose. Make sure that you consult the tag that came with it, or ask the nursery which cultivar that you bought. Once you find that out, you can get a more exact date for planting.

Generally, though, if you chose an apple that is meant for your area, you can plant as soon as the ground has thawed out, thoroughly. You must catch it before the tree starts to leaf out for the year. Keeping indoors will be unnecessary, and could force it to leaf out early. You don't want that to happen.

These articles will help you with the care of apple trees:


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