Q.greenhouse in winter
Can I grow herbs in my greenhouse in the winter without a heating system? I am new to greenhousing. We built one out of shower panels. And I want to start growing something in there, but I don’t know what. lol. We live in Missouri. I grew carrots in straw bales this summer from seeds that I started in my home. I was wondering if I could do that in my greenhouse as well. Help, please.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Unheated greenhouses can extend the season for growing herbs and vegetables. Some herbs and hardy vegetables like spinach and carrots can be grown late into the fall and early in spring in an unheated greenhouse.
You can also keep herbs alive in a greenhouse that would not survive the winter outdoors. In the depth of winter your plants in the greenhouse will probably stop growing, though. This winter, try some experiments and test the temperature inside your greenhouse at different times of day.