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Hazelnut Trees

Q.Can I grow a Hazelnut Tree in the Caribbean?

Zone Trinidad & Tobago, West Indies | Anonymous added on January 25, 2020 | Answered

I heard there are different types of Hazelnut trees and was interested in growing something like the European variety. However I’m unsure if it can grow in Trinidad & Tobago. Our temperature rnages from 22°C to 31°C. Also, are they self-fertilize or do they need a partner tree for polllination?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 26, 2020

Hazelnut trees are monoecious, meaning that they produce male and female flowers on the same plant. However they are not suited for the tropical climate, unless you can find an exception from a local supplier/grower. The tree may grow, but flowering and fruiting may be a big disappointment. Cashew and macadamia are better bets.


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