Q.Can I Force A Verigated Plant To Revert To Green?
Snow on The Mountain aka Bishop\’s Weed is difficukt to eliminate. I have seen locations where it has reverted to all green over time, years. Is there a method to speed up the process & turn it green with a garden or household chemical? It would be more tolerable to me if it were all green.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
No, variegation is a mutated gene set. Depending on which type of variegation that it has, it can produce segments of pure, unvariegated material. The only thing that would be possible would be to remove all of the variegated plants around, leaving only the regular color. Then you could take cuttings and spread this around.
This will be no guarantee, though. It could still grow back, or the pure green could still have a gene for variegation that will show itself.