Q.Can I feature you as an expert on my up coming interview series?
I am writing to you for two reasons… First I am loving your site. I am finding such great content and I am so glad you are inspiring people toward learning real life skills! Secondly, I would love to feature you as an expert on my online interview series called Living off the land.
You will be promoted to a minimum of 100,000K people who desire learning more of these types of skills without needing to move into the bush! I am focusing on helping people feel empowered to source out more of their own food. I think you would be an obvious great fit!
In addition to helping so many people, growing your reach and building your list, you will also have the opportunity to promote your complimentary gift.
This summit will be short 30 minute video interview launching November 5th 2018.
I love your vision and think your insight would be of great value.
Please let me know if this is something you would be interested in.
All the best,
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Tell us more about your website, providing the URL. Thank you.