Q.Can I dig up and keep gazania inside for the winter?
I have a beautiful gazania that I stumbled upon by accident in the discard/discount section of Lowe’s. There was only one bloom left on a half dead plant, but it was beautiful and I hoped I could salvage the plant. I’m fairly new to gardening and never heard of them before. Well… the plant “took” and has grown beautifully in my yard and has had gorgeous flowers for some time now. I live on Long Island and expect this winter to be as brutal as last year’s. I would like to save this plant. Should I dig it up and put it in a pot to take inside for the winter? I read that I could take cuttings, but I never seem to do it right. Help!
Generally, gazania is grown as an annual in the north. However, you can try to pot up the roots and overwinter in a cool, dark spot. Taking cuttings should work, too, but getting the hang of starting cuttings is not easy. Keep trying. Try using perlite as a potting medium, and covering the starts with plastic or the cut-off tops of clear soda bottles. Maybe these articles will be useful: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/gazania/gazania-treasure-flowers.htm