Q.Can I Dig Clumps of Daffodils and Transplant Them Now (May)
I live in Indiana. We are landscaping a sloping section of our yard. There are several clumps of daffodils, probably 100 bulbs, I don’t want to lose them. Can I just dig the clumps and transplant them now, or do I need to store the bulbs and plant them in the fall? They bloomed this spring and the leaves are still green.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
They are pretty hardy and they won't be harmed by moving right now and will also still have a high likelihood of still blooming next year as well. Make sure when you move them, you leave their leaves intact.
With bulbs other than daffodils, you can move them this time of year, but they may not bloom next year due to the stress of moving, but daffodils are made of hardier stuff.