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Beech Hedges

Q.Can I Cut Back A Beech Hedge Now?

Zone Watford | barlizplews@yahoo.co.uk added on October 27, 2020 | Answered

The hedge is 30+ years old and is about 10 foot high. It needs cutting back to reduce the width. I know this can be done in Feb/March but for pressing reasons I would like it done now. Do I risk damaging the hedge if we have a severe winter? I took about 1 foot off the top in September which has new growth coming through. Thank you. Barry PLews

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 28, 2020

This kind of pruning can be done, best, in February! Hard pruning to reduce size is best done during the Winter. This article will offer some more information:


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