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Barrel Cactus Plants

Q.can I cut babies from a large barrel cactus

Zone 89135 | Anonymous added on September 22, 2016 | Answered

Can I cut babies from a large barrel cactus? I want to cut them and then plant them.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 23, 2016

Use a knife and pry off the pups from the mother cactus.
Lay the cuttings in the shade so that the cut ends callus over. Bright sun will burn the pups.
The larger the cutting, the longer it will take to dry. When the end is dry (gently push your fingernail into the end, it should be hard)
The plant the pups into a well draining potting mix. Water but not over water to cause the pups to rot. Allow to dry between waterings.
Roots should form in 6 months.


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