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Hyacinth Plant

Q.damage done to tomato plants by dog urine

Zone Nsshville, TN | Dixienana added on July 26, 2015 | Answered

Can I correct the damage done to tomato plants by dog urine? My neighborhood has a few dogs that have been marking my tomato plants. I finally caught them in the act! I can prevent further damage, but what can I do to help the plants? Leaf curl, wilted looking and brown in just some places and the blossoms are turning brown. The plants had been decent producers until I noticed this happening in the last week. I appreciate your time and any advice you can give me!!!
Thank you!!!
Nashville, TN

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 27, 2015

The only way to neutralize the urine is water.

Water the soil but be careful not to overwater your plants.

I also would treat the plants with Neem OIl. Since they sound stressed, it can invite insects and fungus. Neem Oil will help the plant from becoming a victim to these issues.


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