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Hosta Plant

Q.Can Hosta be easily grown indoors

Zone SC zone 8 ? | mlbsrmeb added on May 10, 2015 | Answered

Picked up a variegated hosta at the local garden shop, thinking I would plant it in shaded area of yard, but wondering if it would survive/thrive indoors.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 10, 2015

You might be able to get one to grow successfully for a period of time provided the lighting was just right but hostas really need to go through a period of dormancy induced by cold temperatures during the winter. So, I would recommend planting it in the shaded area of your yard,as hostas need the cold of winter to be at their best.

For more information on the care of hostas, please visit the following link:

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