Q.Can caragana pea tree be planted near black walnut?
Our friend bought us a beautiful pea tree, envisioning planting it in our flower garden that is in the range of a huge black walnut tree. We would love to plant it there but are worried about the jugalone. We have learned that many things do not grow under the walnut….currently what thrives there are phlox, bee balm, astilbe, violets, ferns and we do have lilacs growing there as well….do you have any information about the tolerance of the weeping pea to the black walnut? thanks you!

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
According to the Black Walnut Society, this shrub will not be able to grow anywhere near a Walnut. This link will offer more information: https://blackwalnutdispatch.com/the-black-walnut-society/
This article will help you to grow this shrub (You may want to consider a container): https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/caragana-pea-tree/pea-tree-information.htm