Q.Can Berberis Darwinii Survive In A Pot?
Hi, I recently picked up the barberry Berberis darwinii for my paved yard. Unfortunately I didn’t do due diligence and I’ve since been told that it actually might not be suitable as a potted plant. Is there any hope to keep it in a pot or should I move it on to someone with a garden? Many thanks, Jack

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Since it is hardy to -17 degrees C (0 degrees F), and Liverpool experiences mild winters, I would go ahead and give it a whirl. It will need a large pot, though, as they grow fast. You may only want to keep it in a pot for a couple of years, then rehome it where there is more room in the ground. You can always trim it back when it starts getting too large for your pot or even root prune. If you see a particularly cold snap coming up, i.e., below freezing weather, some winter protection would see it through.