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Cyclamen Plants

Q.Can Anyone Tell Me What This Is?

Zone B74 3EX | Paulquance@hotmail.com added on September 24, 2021 | Answered

I have this plant in my home back garden, and wondering what it is? A couple of trees have died close by to it and at first thought it was a fungus, but today I noticed it had gone into flower. Thanks for your help

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 24, 2021

It is a Cyclamen bulb that appears to be rotting as everything else in the bed is! The rot is what is causing everything in the bed to die. Usually, pathogens will survive in wet soils that lack oxygen. This will be best remedied by ensuring that the soil has a chance to dry out between watering, by using fungicides, and even by adding biofungicides to the soil.

Here are some articles that will help:





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