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Calla Lily Plants

Q.Calla Lily Strange Leaf

Zone 92064 | Anonymous added on June 9, 2018 | Answered

I bought a new calla lily and one of the leaves is correctly shaped, but has the colouring of the flower. Is this a leaf that didn’t correctly become a leaf or a flower? I have one in yellow that has done this and one in pink. Thank You.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 9, 2018

Calla lily is an interesting plant, biologically speaking. The "flowers" are really modified leaves that curl around the true, and inconspicuous, real flower. It sounds like a few leaves missed curling into the tubular flower. I don't know why that would occur but if it persists, you'll need to replace them because they are defective. Whether this is the result of herbicide damage or diseased tuber/rhizome, I don't know. Calla with solid-colored leaves like lots of moisture - almost boggy conditions. Those with speckled leaves like moist soil but not as wet as their cousins. I'd love to see a picture!

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