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Calla Lily Plants

Q.Calla Lily

Zone 80113 | Moanne added on May 21, 2016 | Answered

I recently received a calla Lily from someone who had been in the hospital. The poor thing was in a plastic cup with foliage about one foot tall. I repotted immediately but it already had dead leaves and stems. There are three blooms and new shoots that were already there. How will I know if I saved it or is it too late?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 23, 2016

As long as you see new or green growth, the plant is still alive and there is a chance that you can save it. That being said, it may take some time, a few years even, before it recovers completely and achieves it's former glory. So the effort to save it may not be worth the time. It is really a personal choice.

This article may help with getting the plant to recover:

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