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Calla Lily Plants

Q.Calla Lily

Zone Zone 7b | that_guy_gardener added on January 27, 2018 | Answered

I have a black Black Calla Lily that did magnificent this past summer. I dug it up this winter to protect it from the cold and it has developed it a soft spot on one side. I was wanting to know if I could cut this spot off and replant it in pot or will I have to discard the whole rhizome? I would really like to save it as it is my last one left from the ones my grandmother gave me. thanks.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 28, 2018

thank you! we received a lot of rain after the bulb had died down for the winter and I think that started the rotting. I will use this suggestion!

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Answered on January 28, 2018

Cut the soft spot out and go into what looks like healthy tissue before you stop. You can dip the tuber into garden sulfur right after cutting for an insurance policy. Use a sharp knife. Then you need to look into what is causing your tubers to rot. Always inspect them closely before putting them in storage for the winter. I wrap mine in paper bags and hang them in the coolest part of my house with a grapefruit mesh bag. If one starts to rot, the infection won't spread to other tubers this way.

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