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Calla Lily Plants

Q.calla lily

Anonymous added on July 16, 2015 | Answered

My calla lily is originally from bulbs, 13 years ago. I have kept it as a houseplant ever since. It has only bloomed once. I understand the light problem. I put it outside in the summer a few times and the foliage got nice. But bugs also found my calla. I haven’t put it outside this summer because of microscopic black bugs that suck the juice from leave surfaces. I used soap on leaf surface, no help for leaf. I have tried bug spray for tiny bugs today, on leaf and soil. I did buy new potting soil to rescue calla, but don’t know if the bugs are in the roots and would be transferred to new pot. Should I just toss calla? I hate to do it. Thanks for any ideas.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 16, 2015

In addition to repotting in fresh soil, hose down the plant beforehand and then treat it with neem oil to take care of the pests.

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