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Calamondin Trees


Zone uk | sarahmoore.sculptor added on November 8, 2017 | Answered

Your article says calamondin hardy in zones 8-11, but growing instructions say any temp less than 55 degrees F. (12 C.) will adversely affect its growth.
Mine is in a pot and I want to leave it on the patio for the winter, temp will be -5c at the lowest.
Please advise

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 8, 2017

Yes, while cooler temperatures will stop the growth of the tree, and it will enter a period of dormancy. They can survive temperatures just a little lower than -5c so you will be ok to leave them out. If you are still concerned, then I would advise wrapping a blanket around the on cooler nights.

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