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Calamondin Trees

Q.Calamondin orange tree

Zone 77030 | Maryh77030 added on April 27, 2016 | Answered

I have a tree that is 2 stories tall and is about 26 years old. It looks sad–dead fruit, dead branches at the top, curling leaves. Is it dying of old age or can I save it? What can I do for it?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 28, 2016

A healthy Calamondin tree can live 40 or more years.
This lifespan can certainly be cut back by disease, pests or environmental issues.
This sounds to be quite a large sized specimen and pruning dead plant material may be best preformed by a professional.
A good inspection of the tree by an Arborist, can help determine if the tree is suffering from an infestation, fungus or nutritional problems.

Here are a few articles with more information.


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