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Caladium Plants

Q.Caladium Houseplants In Winter

Zone hardiness zone 7a asheville NC | karenrae2005 added on November 16, 2019 | Answered

The article on website says the leaves fall off in winter but as a houseplant this doesn’t happen. My caladium has become quite leggy and I want to cut it back now winter is here. Is this ok to do? the leaves are still on the plant. thanks

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 17, 2019

A caladium is programmed to grow in summer. You may be able to keep it a couple of months indoors before the plant goes dormant. It is unlikely to form new leaves during this time. Dormancy is inevitable and has to occur in order to trigger growth in spring. Its favorite growing conditions, hot and humid air, are hard to come by in winter, even indoors.

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