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Q.cactus problem

Zone Brooklyn, NY 11231 | mnmeltzer added on May 10, 2016 | Answered

I have a cactus I bought last fall. It has a growth I’m wondering if you can help me with. I’ve done some internet research and spoke to some friends who said it might be eggs. I cleaned them off with water and sprayed the plant with a water and soap mixture, but they came back. Any advice?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 11, 2016

Without an image or a better description, I'm not sure what you had on the cactus.

Water is good to use to clean off insects or something like eggs.
You can gently use a soft toothbrush.

More serious infestations can be treated with Neem Oil, but use caution as horticulture oils can damage the natural oily skin of cactus.

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