Q.Cactus is drooping
Not sure how to provide support for our cactus. Should we cut it into 2? Can we support it with doweling and should it be outside or can we put it inside? What size and shape of pot should we use for re-potting? How deep should the root system be planted?
It's waterlogged. In a glass with no drainage is very wrong conditions for a cactus that likes well drained sandy soil. You may not be able to save it or straighten it at this point. But if you want to try, get it out of the glass immediately and repot into a pot with a drainage hole in the bottom, and use a cactus specific potting soil. Prop it with a rigid stake and wide plastic tie tape and see if it can eventually support itself when it dries and resumes growth.
You can have it outside during warm weather, but indoors is best in your winter cold period.