Q.Cactus Advice Request.
Having proudly acquired a Blue Columnar Cactus just over a year ago (in July 2022), I recently discovered your interesting Gardening website! 🌵 I was wondering if you might kindly be able to provide a little advice regarding an issue with my plant… 🤔 As indicated in my 3 enclosed photos, it contains 7 stems of different sizes, 5 of which appear to be in good health. However, 2 of them do not, including: – one that is surrounded by the others (with a brown-coloured wound)… – another that has a white-coloured mark, does not seem to be growing and has remained dark green (whereas the 5 healthy stems have a combination of light and dark green)… A few days ago, I carefully applied a few drops of hydrogen peroxide on the problematic areas (visible in my photo #3), but have yet to see any satisfying results… Any useful recommendations would be most appreciated!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
We didn't get the photos, unfortunately. It could be disease or mechanical injury. These articles should help: