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Zone Rugby | Anonymous added on July 2, 2017 | Answered

Hi, I’m growing a cactus from seed, however I’m only a beginner,

I heard you can help me which is why I’m writing this, I have planted my cactus seeds in normal compost (without heating it or getting specs up compost to have the soil decontaminated, secondary, I’ve planted the seeds and put a 0.5cm layer on top, and finally I’m keeping them on my desk which is in my room but not in front of a window. Is this all okay?
My other questions were;
– how much time do they need to germinate?
– how many times should I water the seeds a day?

Thanks for the help

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 3, 2017

This link has great information on how to germinate Cactus seeds.


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