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Boxwood Shrubs

Q.Buxus Leaf Discoloration And Ash Edging

Zone UK, BD209BJ | Anonymous added on April 7, 2021 | Answered

Hi, Ive a Box bush which has been struggling for a few years in a pot (Its twin,potted exactly the same way is thriving), Thinking it might be environmental stress I re-potted it last August in a wall planter, lots of drainage, new compost etc. While it is putting out new growth, there remain sections of browing/orange leaves and some where the leaf seems to be receeding leaving a silver/ash coloured edge. Its new location is its last chance – should I just give up and replace it?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 8, 2021

It looks like boxwood blight and there is no cure. It is recommended to bag it and dispose of it in the trash so as not to spread the disease.


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