Q.Butterfly weed that has never bloomed
I have had to container garden for the last three years. I planted the butterfly weed three years ago in a good sized container. The first year it put out three stalks. No blooms. Second year, four stalks, but was over-run with aphids. This year, five stalks, very healthy and free of pests, but it’s showing no sign of developing buds. Is it because butterfly weeds aren’t good container plants? This year it has grown taller and fuller than any previous year. Still not a single bud or flower. HELP!
I’m located in the Raleigh-Durham area of NC, in zone 7. Most years we have little rain over the summer; however, this year we have been experiencing daily thunderstorms with severe winds, hail, several inches of water pouring down in a matter of minutes. The daily temp averages between 93 and 100 degrees, and our days are usually clear and sunny. . . till the evening craziness begins. Anyone have any ideas for me?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It could be a nutrient issue with the soil. You might want to add some phosphorus to the soil to help with blooming. Bone meal is a good source for this, or use a fertilizer that has a higher phosphorus ratio.