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Plant Identification

Q.Bushes Buds not flowering

Zone Bayville, NJ | Naturelvr7 added on October 5, 2017 | Answered

I have several bushes that have been flowering all Summer but as soon as it turned October, they’ve stopped blooming. They’re just buds. Some have dried up and fell. It makes me sad coz they’re healthy bushes. I’ve been watering regularly and feed them miracle grow mix. The weather has gotten a bit colder with it now being in the 50’s at nite and in the 70’s to 80’s in daytime. So it’s not that cold. Ok we have had a few days of cold weather in the 40’s at nite and 60’s in daytime but that was just for a few days, it’s warmer now. Does anyone have a clue? I live in South New Jersey, close to the beach. I don’t know what kind of bushes they are, I’ll upload some pics.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 6, 2017

A drop in temperature, even for a short period, can definitely cause this. I don't see this as an issue for concern. Just keep an eye on the plant for anything unusual.

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