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Cucumber Plants

Q.Bush Cucumber Plant Not Growing Right

Zone Hilliard, OH 43026 | Stasia15 added on June 26, 2020 | Answered

I started my cucumber from seed. After planting in the ground, the bottom leaves started to turn yellow and grey, and only one cucumber took. One had bottom rot, so I treated with a calcium spray. The other fruit still hasn’t taken. I treated with milk Tuesday, and neem oil tonight. They were just fertilized. Also, the edges of some of the other leaves are yellowish, even the new sprouts. It doesn’t seem to be growing as fast as it should. Help! My daughter is attached to it!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 30, 2020

There will be a need for some heavier fungicides, here.

It is, also, possible that there is a little too much nitrogen in the soil. I do see signs of nutrient burn, although spraying neem oil in direct sun can cause burning as well.

Cucumbers do best when the environment and soil are prepared before hand. This article will help you to know what cucumbers require:


This article will help you with fungicide use:


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Answered on June 30, 2020

Thank you. When I applied the neem oil, it was after sunset. I also applied a fungicide with copper and trimmed the really bad leaves last pm, so I’m hopeful.

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