Q.Bull Thistle
I have an area around a pine tree (I planted day lilies all around the front of the base of the tree 7 years ago) that is full of thistle. I keep hand pulling it, but it keeps growing back. I was wondering about planting other native Indiana plants that might help to crowd out the thistle. Any suggestions?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Yes, it would help but you'll have to get rid of the thistle first. They are tough to get rid of once established because of their root and rhizome system. In addition, their seed is very viable, blows easily in the wind, and will establish just about anywhere. Pull up what you can and spot treat the area with Roundup, preferably in the late summer to fall BEFORE the weed goes to seed. You could also try suffocating it with plastic, landscape fabric, ormoist newspaper covered with mulch.