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Raised Garden Beds

Q.Building Raised Beds Around Existing Rose Plants

Zone Dy3 3pz | Andym1990 added on May 17, 2024 | Answered

Hi, I have 4 healthy rose plants in my garden boarder. But I need to build a raised bed due to no drainage because of clay (nothing else will grow) I’m building the raised bed approx 1 and a half foot. Can I just then fill with soil hence burying the 1st few feet of rose stem or do I need to create a recess around the roses so they stay the original depth? Hope this makes sense. Many thanks Andy

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 17, 2024

I would, for the sake of the roses. Really, you don't want to cover the crown. Stressing that portion might result in shoots from the rootstock. These are usually more invasive than the grafted top. If these get out of control you will have trouble keeping the roses alive.

See if you can create some kind of barrier with plastic wall, stone, or brick.

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