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Weeping Willow Trees

Q.Bugs on a weeping willow bush

Zone Virginia Beach,Va | Anonymous added on June 26, 2017 | Answered

My daughter has 2 giant weeping willow bushes. Recently covered in June beetles. We knocked them off and she trimmed the bush and we found patches of these bugs on the stems. They are mostly small and hang in patches. But as you can see some of them are 1/4 in in size. Can you tell the what they are and how to kill them. She’d rather not use pesticides if we don’t need to.
Thank you Sue
babycathcercnm2@gmail.com or suebevacnm@gmail.com

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 27, 2017

Your tree is infested with the Giant Willow Aphid.
Treatment of an insecticide will work to control these Aphids.
Here are some links with more information.



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