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Q.Bugs in Greenhouse?

Zone Grandy, NC - 27939 - zone 8 | tyjolliffe added on October 16, 2016 | Answered

This summer I put up a small greenhouse (6×8) on my back deck. The purpose is to continue growing tomatoes, cukes, etc., as well as growing some cool vegetables. I have a question. Whenever I enter the greenhouse, I start itching on my legs and arms. I don’t see any bugs other than a few flies. I go out and the itching will last for about 30 minutes. Any ideas?

Ty Jolliffe
Grandy, NC

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 18, 2016

Many people can suffer from allergies to plants and have contact dermatitis from plants.
Here are a couple of articles that have more information.


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