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Croton Plants

Q.Bugs Have Been Eating The Leaves Of My Croton. How Do I Stop Them?

Zone St. Petersburg FL | Darlene112960 added on May 7, 2020 | Answered

I bought a potted Croton from a local nursery. After getting it home I found leaves with signs of a bug/insect nibbling on them see pics attached). Are these insects/bugs living in the soil. How can I stop it from getting worse?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 10, 2020

Usually the bugs bothering houseplants can be seen on the underside of leaves, except spider mites, which are too tiny. But aphids, mealybugs and scale you can see.

I don't see any photos attached, but try an insecticidal soap and spray it on the leaves, front and back, and the top of the soil.



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