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Hyacinth Plant


Zone 6 | Fannie added on August 6, 2011 | Answered

These are small ladybug size with lighter red and no spots. They have done a job on my tiger lilies. I saw them first last year and again this year. I never saw them before in my Clinton, Ct. garden.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 6, 2011

The red lily beetle is an exotic pest that at the moment there is no cure for other than hand picking. The larvae look like bird excrement since they cover themselves in their own for protection. I have found that blasting them off with the hose or squishing works. The eggs are orange clusters under the leaves, just wipe them off if you see them. Neem oil seems to work somewhat, it at least will smother the eggs. I have heard that coffee grounds around the base of the plants will cover the smell that attracts them. They overwinter in the ground and will flip upside down and remain still if threatened so put a hand underneath when going to grab them. Good luck!!

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