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Garden Pest Control

Q.bug infestation

Shills added on September 17, 2016 | Answered

We are losing our oleander, bottle brush and sage bushes to something. The bottle brush have gone from yellow to brownish and the oleanders and sage look like they are dying with large holes on the top of them and starting around the bottoms coming upward. The brown is dead stems. We have sprayed numerous times but nothing seems to work. We have quite a few we are afraid we are going to lose. Our lime tree has a spidery web with little tiny black bugs on it and it is not doing well either. We have used soap sprays on it and all bougainvilleas without any success. Any help would be appreciated.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 18, 2016

The bugs living on the web you describe could be spider mites, and they are consistent with the damage you're seeing. They are arachnids related to spiders, not insects, so many regular insecticides won't work for them. These articles will help you determine a treatment plan:


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