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Hyacinth Plant

Q.buds coming out on the trunk of sapling pecan trees

mredm1935@gmail.com added on April 6, 2018 | Answered

Is there a substance I can paint on the pecan tree sapling to prevent buds from reappearing periodically. I have been removing them with my hand but they come back out. Thanks, Ernest mredm1935@gmail.com

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 7, 2018

This can be difficult to control. If you were to put something on them, they would find a different area to grow out of. The only good way is to keep them pruned. Usually these suckers are a response to root damage, or other damage within the tree. The best way is to remove them. You can also use round up to pain on the site once cut, but you must be very careful, and only use a very weak solution. This can help some, but they will reappear on occasion. It is best to find out what problem, if any, the tree has.

Can you include a photo? Seeing will help me to determine the best method of action.

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