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Q.Budding Time

Zone 83442 | Anonymous added on May 18, 2023 | Answered

What is the budding time of these trees? I purchased one in March of this year, planted it in a bucket for temporary living and it hasn’t budded yet and it is the middle of May. I have been watching and the branches still seem to be living; there aren’t any breaks on the limbs. Could you help me please. I would really like to try growing some here in southeast Idaho.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 19, 2023

You don't say what kind of tree you have, but most budding takes place in early spring. Are there drainage holes in the bucket? If not, there may be some root rot going on. If all looks good, I would check with the retail establishment where you purchased the tree. They may replace it.

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