Q.browning leaves on Mulberry
Have 2 Mulberry trees in the backyard. One is the type with one large lobe as the leaf and the other is the type that looks like a Maple leaf. I live in Las Vegas, so it does get exceedingly hot here which causes me to spend a great deal of money on irrigation. My question is this: why does the single leaf and multi-trunked mulberry tree leaf not brown on the ends while the single-trunk mulberry with the maple looking leaf suffer? They both get the same amount of water. They are both fruit-bearing trees and I planted them about 8 years ago (from bird presents because you cannot get the mulberrry tree here). They are roughly 20 feet tall and with about a 25-30 foot canopy. The 2 pictures are one from each tree.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It could be that the tree that gets more stressed has some trouble with its roots. For example, it may have run into a solid barrier or a patch of poorer soil underground, or be nearer to a street that provides a source of salt or chemicals that can harm trees.
This article explains more about what causes brown leaf tips: