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Q.brown tips

Zone Detroit MI 48238 | Sonja Mack added on March 23, 2018 | Answered

My plants are growing but the tips always turn brown. I just changed the soil to organic soil but what is a good fertilizer other than Miracle grown It burns my plants up. How much fertilizer should I use on a corn stalk plant? How often should I water it and should it have direct light or indirect light? Thank you.
PS these are indoor plants

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 25, 2018

This could be a few things. My best guesses are nitrogen toxicity, from too much nitrogen, or a urea based nitrogen. Or, an infection. Urea based nitrogen is a little strong to feed a plant like this. This will almost always burn a plant that is not a heavy feeder.

Changing the soil is usually enough to get it by for several months. Any feeding outside of this will worsen the problem. You can use any fertilizer that is an ammonia based fertilizer, rather than urea based. But to avoid over fertilization, I would recommend feeding once per year, unless you see signs of deficiency.

As for an infection... This can normally be taken care of with some wettable sulfur and dolomitic lime.

This plant will like to be in bright, but indirect light. Too much will start bleaching the leaves, and it will soon die.hh

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