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Potato Plants

Q.Brown Spots On Potato Leaves

Anonymous added on May 21, 2021 | Answered

I planted a potato in a bag around a month ago, kept it indoors during nights and took outside during daytime once there were small leaves. It grew well, but recently I started to notice small brown spots on some of the leaves, and they have been there for a few days or more, I am not too sure. In addition the leaves are turning slightly yellow. I wonder if it’s some potato disease, I did find out that moisture and warmth could do that and I have watered the leaves at least a few times without knowing. Also, since it’s indoors during nights, that would create a warm environment. Is there any way of saving it? I don’t know if any potatoes have even formed yet, since it’s only been around a month. The brown spots are at least in more than 5 leaves, and in some places it’s at the tip of the leaves. (I used the potato from a normal store and planted it for the first time using soil from the backyard and some from a store) I also planted potatoes to two other containers, is it possible this will spread to them?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 26, 2021

Potato leaves turn yellow when it is time to harvest. Seed potatoes usually take 60 to 70 days. Since you started with store potatoes, it is hard to know how long it will take, or if that is why they are turning yellow. It is usually recommended to buy seed potatoes because they are disease free.

The small brown spots could just be an indication of over or underwatering. These articles should help:



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