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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Brown spots in lawn

Zone 52057 | Anonymous added on August 4, 2017 | Answered

I have brown spots in lawn mainly on the southern exposure areas. First thought was grubs, but turf is not loose on top & when i try to dig up, roots seem very intact. Lawn is dry now, but I began to notice these areas a week ago when it was not dry. Some one suggested rust, but I don’t see any spots or powdery residue on blades, and it has not been overly wet. Has been quite humid lately, and the grass grew very quickly & got quite long (6″) before I was able to mow. I cut to 3-1/2″ long. I know I have limited window of time to treat for grubs, if that is the case.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
David Wynne
Answered on August 4, 2017

You may have cut the lawn a bit short from a length of 6", but my first thought is urine from animals. Do you have a dog or cat? If not then possibly a neighbour's cat "leaving you overnight messages" If not cats then perhaps a squirrel or even a fox, again coming during the hours of darkness.

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