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Q.Brown lump on the bottom of my corms

Zone 5 | dianeneedham added on April 7, 2015 | Answered

Every fall when I dig my glad bulbs, I find brown lumps on the bottom of them. This doesn’t happen when I plant in an area where something else was planted the previous year. What can I do to my soil so this doesn’t happen?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 7, 2015

Without seeing a photograph, I can't be 100% certain but it sounds like they are little baby corms called cormels. You can remove and discard these (be careful to leave the husk on your gladiola bulb while doing so) or you can use them for propagation.

For more information on gladiola bulbs (corms), please visit the following link:

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