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Q.Bromeliad question

Zone Lake Worth Florida. 33463. | Anonymous added on January 11, 2018 | Answered

I received a bromeliad as a Christmas gift and I am if it is in the correct pot. I received the plant in a basket and as I have been reading the plant needs drainage of some kind. I was wondering would it be better to report the plant from the basket or leave it. I noticed some of the leaves are dying and I would really like this plant to live as long as possible. Thank you your time in answering my question.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 12, 2018

If the plant is in a plastic pot inside the basket, check whether there are drainage holes at the bottom of the pot. If not, the plant should be repotted into a container with drainage holes. If it's just sitting in the basket with no plastic, it will probably have enough drainage already.
Bromeliads get most of their water and nutrients from the air through their leaves, so they are happiest in small pots, and they can be grown in soil-free media if you choose. Make sure the media you choose is well-draining. See these articles for more information:

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