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Q.Bromeliad care

Zone El Pescadero, BCS Mexico | Anonymous added on May 5, 2018 | Answered

Hello, I have my first bromeliad and it was beautiful about a month ago when we got it home with a yellow flower in the middle. It has turned brown now and appears to be drying and dying.
How do I know if my entire plant is dying or just the flower stalk?
Does the plant continue to grow new flower stalks or only the 1?
Please advise me as to how to proceed.
Thank you very much in advance!!!
Have a great day!
Tori CC

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 7, 2018

A Bromeliad only blooms once and then the plant is essentially done with it's life cycle. If your plant does produce a 'pup', you can propagate and start with a new plant.
These links will help you.

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